Contribute to the Elaine Taylor Endowment Fund
Contributions to this endowment fund will support a Program Associate Position, a sustainable resource for the Historical Society and a lasting legacy to honor our first director, Elaine Taylor. The endowed Program Associate Position named in honor of Elaine Taylor will assist the Historical Society in pursuing its mission through:
volunteer management
educational program and special project management
marketing and communications
administrative assistance and other duties

Planned Giving
Generosity comes in many forms. Planned giving is one of the best ways for you to support the causes that matter the most to you in your life. Leave a lasting legacy and help ensure the sustainability and viability of the Historical Society for generations to come.
If you have already or plan to include the Historical Society in your will or estate planning, we ask that you fill out this Legacy Society Form and return it to us by email (louisahistory@verizon.net) or mail (PO Box 1172, Louisa, VA 23093). By documenting your future gift intention, you enable us to thank you for your generosity now. While not binding you to these gift plans, by sharing the details of your plans you enable us to begin planning for the future.
If you are interested in learning more about designating a planned gift to the Historical Society in your will or estate planning, please contact Katelyn Coughlan, Executive Director, at louisahistory@verizon.net, 540-967-5975, or by mail at PO Box 1172, Louisa, VA 23093.

IRA Contributions
Avoid Paying Income Taxes on Your Earnings
You have saved for retirement for years, faithfully putting money into your IRA while enjoying tax savings. However, when you start withdrawing funds, you’ll need to pay income taxes on what you take out. But there’s hope—a tax-savvy way to use your IRA to make a lasting impact on the Louisa County Historical Society
Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are 70½ or older, you can give any amount up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified nonprofit institution such as the Louisa County Historical Society without having to pay income taxes on the gift. If you haven’t yet taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement.
Make Your Gift Count!
To ensure your gift qualifies for the current tax year, be sure to transfer the funds anytime up to Dec. 31. If you have check-writing privileges on your IRA, please mail your check by Dec. 20 in order to give us time to process your gift before the end of the year.